Quand vous réussissez, nous réussissons. C'est pourquoi nous serons à vos côtés à chaque étape du processus. Nous vous accompagnons de la découverte des obligations communautaires à la levée de fonds en 12 mois en moyenne. Explorez chaque étape ci-dessous.
Étape 1 : Apprendre
Notre atelier d'introduction aux obligations communautaires est une session interactive de 3 heures qui vous aide à comprendre comment fonctionnent les obligations communautaires et si elles conviennent à votre organisation.
À l'issue de l'atelier, vous recevrez de Tapestry une évaluation de votre état de préparation, assortie de mesures concrètes pour donner vie à votre projet.
Étape 2 : Préparer
Clients come to us at all different stages. It is our job to get you to the point of being investment ready. To see if community bonds will work for your organization, we will model your finances and a variety of community bond scenarios, and you will conduct stakeholder consultations to understand your community’s needs and appetite for investment.
With your bond terms set, we will prepare all the necessary documents to allow you to issue community bonds, including:
- Plan d'affaires sur 5 à 10 ans
- déclaration d'offre
- liste de conditions
- accord de fiducie
Étape 3 : Lever
Once your campaign launches, your Campaign Managers are with you every step of the way until you reach your goal. They will be meeting with you regularly to give you suggestions on how you can build community excitement and media attention.
As bonds are being purchased, our Team will work in the background to administer the onboarding of investors and to process their transactions in accordance with your terms and conditions and your processes.
Please note that investors can only be accepted by you. They are not our clients – only your organization is our client. We do not perform any form of “trading” function on your behalf – we do not meet with investors and will direct them to you for questions about their investment. We cannot answer questions about the investment from potential investors under applicable laws.
Étape 4 : Gérer
Once you have reached your target investment, Tapestry will continue to support you with professional administrative services using our custom built platform, Atticus.
Our Team will look after interest disbursements, issue tax forms and provide customer service on bond administration to investors as needed. We will also support you in providing investors with customizable financial reporting on your bonds.
Please remember that your investors are not our clients – they are your investors and you, and you alone, are our clients. We do not perform any form of “trading” function on your behalf – we do not meet with investors and will direct them to you for questions about their investment. We cannot answer questions about your investors’ investment under applicable laws.