Community-Owned Kensington
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vel tempus ante. Nunc tellus augue, vestibulum at fermentum sed, maximus quis leo. Vivamus elementum dui mollis massa pretium, in sodales dui bibendum. Sed ut facilisis risus, non tempus augue. Mauris sodales, elit pretium aliquet cursus, ante ex porttitor nulla, nec congue dui ipsum vitae odio.

April 02, 2023

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vel tempus ante. Nunc tellus augue, vestibulum at fermentum sed, maximus quis leo. Vivamus elementum dui mollis massa pretium, in sodales dui bibendum. Sed ut facilisis risus, non tempus augue. Mauris sodales, elit pretium aliquet cursus, ante ex porttitor nulla, nec congue dui ipsum vitae odio.
Sed ut facilisis risus, non tempus augue. Mauris sodales, elit pretium aliquet cursus, ante ex porttitor nulla, nec congue dui ipsum vitae odio. Sed quis ligula luctus, blandit orci id, fermentum justo. Integer pellentesque eros ac dignissim condimentum.

April 15, 2023
Tour of the Property
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to housing. Every housing organization has a plot of land or an existing property they’re either considering or have acquired for their Housing Hub project. These spaces and properties look differently based on the needs of their specific communities and the vision of each organization. Let’s take a tour!

April 22, 2023
Community Bond Workshop
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vel tempus ante. Nunc tellus augue, vestibulum at fermentum sed, maximus quis leo tilde. ”
– Stephanie Pennington, Communications Manager, Community-owned Kensington
So much happens behind the scenes in the lead-up to a bond campaign launch. Step 1 is for every housing organization to attend an interactive Community Bond Workshop led by a Tapestry Campaign Manager.
From practicing investor pitches to stakeholder mapping, organizations walk away from this step with a better sense of how community bonds work and whether they’re right for their organization.

April 23, 2023
Financial modelling and scenario exploration
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vel tempus ante. Nunc tellus augue, vestibulum at fermentum sed, maximus quis leo. Vivamus elementum dui mollis massa pretium, in sodales dui bibendum. Sed ut facilisis risus, non tempus augue. Mauris sodales, elit pretium aliquet cursus, ante ex porttitor nulla, nec congue dui ipsum vitae odio.
Sed ut facilisis risus, non tempus augue. Mauris sodales, elit pretium aliquet cursus, ante ex porttitor nulla, nec congue dui ipsum vitae odio. Sed quis ligula luctus, blandit orci id, fermentum justo. Integer pellentesque eros ac dignissim condimentum.

Lorem Ipsum
We’ll be spotlighting the experiences of affordable housing providers as they go through this community bond process. In sharing their stories, we aim to inspire and inform other housing providers considering innovative social finance for their projects.
Subscribe to our newsletter to follow the journey and learn how your organization can take part.