Nouvelles L'innovation sociale atteint de nouveaux sommets à Ottawa On October 17th, Tapestry was joined by more than 80 non-profits, charities, co-operatives and social…Tapestry Capital25 octobre 2018
Nouvelles Tapestry lance le Bond Camp Across Ontario, communities are coming together to reclaim ownership of community assets These community assets…Tapestry Capital9 octobre 2018
Nouvelles Solutions de financement novatrices pour le logement abordable More than 40 affordable housing stakeholders gathered at the Workers Arts & Heritage Centre in…Tapestry Capital13 juillet 2018
Nouvelles Tapestry Community Capital célèbre son lancement officiel On May 2nd, joined by an excited crowd of social innovators, Tapestry officially launched it's…Tapestry Capital7 mai 2018
Témoignages de clientsHistoire d'un succès Le CSI construit l'espace de co-travail du futur Tonya Surman is one of Co-founders of the Centre for Social Innovation (CSI), a social…Tapestry Capital16 avril 2018
Témoignages de clientsHistoire d'un succès SolarShare offre à tous les Ontariens la possibilité d'investir dans les énergies renouvelables. Solar energy is an industry growing in both scale and opportunity. In 2010, Mike Brigham…Tapestry Capitalavril 1, 2018